The only good thing about Covid 2020 was that employers realized many people COULD work from home! Forced to shut down or become more creative/tolerant with remote workers extended into more remote positions than ever before – and many have stayed that way. More and more positions are available as remote jobs!
Great news for RVers! If you can work from home what does it matter where home IS?
I was lucky enough to fall into this group, and continue to work 40 hour work weeks in the RV, maintaining my full pay and benefits. It was an important factor in choosing our RV that it had a true, dedicated workspace as shown below.
If that’s not an option for you, it’s amazing the many different opportunities out there to make money on the road and/or earn your site fees and utilities!
Everything from Camp Hosts (checking in guests and manning the campground), to Boat Rentals, to directing kid’s activities, to working in the office, and much more! Some places are purely a free site in exchange for your work – others are a free site and an hourly wage.
And the locations – good grief! We’d be happy campers to wake up with some of the views we’ve seen poking through the links below!
Imagine THIS being the kind of decision you have to struggle with (posted by a fulltimer in a Facebook Rv’ing group):
“As most of you know in March I took a workamping job in Pigeon Forge, TN at a beautiful campground called M*****. I am grateful to God for the invite. It has been the most awesome experience for me. As most know my passion is riding my Goldwing. Well, I was at the right place for that. I have seen some breath taking views. The owners of M***** treated me better than family from day one and have not waivered since. The managers have shown the same professionalism and have just bent over backwards to show their compassion for all the people working and camping here. I have been asked several times in the past few months to come back next year and I declined only because I wanted to see other places, but my mind and heart kept saying to me “What if you have found the best? What if, what if, what if?” So yesterday after much consideration, I have committed to coming back here next year to work another season. I will leave for Florida around the 1st of November and hang out like a beach bum until April and then come back here. I hope others are having the same experience as I am. I was hoping this journey would be a good one and so far it has been more than I could have expected. Many days my work attire is swim trunks, flip flops and sun tan lotion. It’s just wrong, right????”
Or if you’re in good shape, work for Amazon in KY, KS or NV for three months leading up to Christmas and restock your bank accounts! Long days, but free sites, means you can stock up quite a bit quickly especially if both members of a couple do it.
Enjoy poking around the sites below and imagine the possibilities!

Really enjoying reading about all your adventures. I am in the process of transitioning from brick and mortar to full time RVing well sort of (I’m Canadian so technically we can’t fulltime. Look forward to more advice and entertaining info.