Our Tale of 2020 – And What’s Next

I flipped into our Facebook page for RV Freedom 4 Us today, and saw that our last post was from October of 2019 and we were counting down days to sell the house in June of 2020!!!  Here it is almost February of 2021 – and we haven’t sold the house – what happened???

In late November of 2019, I had a bug, and even after some antibiotics, felt like I’d been hit by a truck.   Grudgingly one Tuesday late in the evening I turned to Todd and said “I think I need to go to the hospital”, afraid that some further infection had set in and was spreading because I felt SO awful.  And thus began the journey to a triple heart bypass – there WAS a reason I felt so bad – LOL!

Surgery was scheduled for December 2nd, and knowing it could be months (or more) of recovery, we decided to push our house sale out a year so that the pressure would be off.  All went well, and I had a great recovery and was back at work at the end of February 2020.   Things were going fine, and then the COVID pandemic hit!  They practically ushered me out of work by the middle of work, concerned for my health.  Luckily, I was able to work from home.

So much shut down that we couldn’t help but think that our one year delay had been a good choice!  The remainder of 2020 was about like anyone else’s – between COVID and politics, tensions were running high all over.   I tried to put most of my available energy into cleaning, purging, and planning to stay distracted.

In October the perfect truck for towing a heavy fifth wheel toy hauler popped up on an app we had set parameters in, and we drove a couple of hours to get it!   She’s a beaut!  We added a Roll N Lock tonneau cover, running boards, cameras, a trucker’s GPS system (so we can enter the height and weight and never go where we shouldn’t – LOL!), and a hitch – so she’s ready to go!  Being a dually with large “hips”, we’ve nicknamed her Bertha 🙂

The next few months will continue to be dominated by home projects to get our maximum return when we list it at the end of May!

As the house sells and we find our RV and hit the road (hopefully July or August), I will need to find a blog add on that allows us to show our tentative travel map so we can meet up with friends and family en route!   Looking forward to THAT makes all this work and change worth it!

Everyone, please stay healthy and happy…….


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2 thoughts on “Our Tale of 2020 – And What’s Next

  1. Linda Barnes says:

    Wow! I can’t wait to read more! You are following a dream Joe had when I first met him. I sincerely hope your plans flow without any hiccups.

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